Saturday, January 24, 2009

early bird

Tonight I'm staying in...Again.

I've finally decided to stop fighting the battle and admit that I am not a night person. I have always been this way. I love going to bed at a decent hour and I LOVE waking up between the hours of 5 and 7 AM.

I love waking up and heading straight to the gym. I love that hardly anyone is there while I start and finish my 30-40 minute run. It just gives me this amazing peace of mind that sets the mood for the rest of my day. I also revel in the thought that by 10 AM I've run 3-4 miles, started have made it through 2 hours of work already, and/or painted/cleaned/done laundry/written/etc...Most of the people I know haven't even gotten out of bed by that time.

Enter the downside of being a early bird...A lot of my friends are night owls. Their night begins when my head hits the pillow. I wish I could stay up late, but when I do I usually feel pretty crummy the next day.

Anyway, tonight I'm hangin out solo, sipping wine, sitting in my pjs, and surfing the internet and having more fun than I would at a bar.

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